Como já vem sendo habitual, a 2 de Dezembro comemora-se o "
Giveaway day", promovido pelo
Sew Mama Sew.
As usual, we'll be celebrating giveaway day on December, 2nd, hosted by Sew Mama Sew.
Este ano vou sortear este bloco de notas forrado com tecido.
This year I'll be drawing this fabric covered notebook.

O bloco pode ser substituído quando todas as folhas forem gastas :)

Para participarem, basta deixarem um comentário neste post, dizendo o que pediram ao Pai Natal :)
To enter, just comment this post telling me what you've asked Santa for this Christmas :)
Farei o sorteio no próximo Domingo, dia 6. BOA SORTE!!!
I'll draw a name on December 6th. GOOD LUCK!!!
This post is now close!!! I'll be drawing a name today and let you all know the winner tomorrow!
263 comentários:
1 – 200 de 263 Recentes› Mais recentes»Pedi ao Pai Natal Saúde para o meu marido! E para a restante família também... :D
O que pedi ao Pai Natal?
Além do habitual... saúde para toda a familia e amigos, normalmente peço livros! ;D
Peço ao Pai Natal saúde, trabalho e muita felicidade para todos os que me rodeiam! E peço também um PC bem pequeno, porque ando sempre tão carregada que as minhas costas já reclamam... :D
Curiosamente ainda não pedi nada ao Pai Natal... Mas em ideia tenho algumas
As coisas mais importantes... saúde, felicidade, amor, carinho, amizade!:D
Coisas materiais... A Sizz e alguns moldes, uma máquina de forrar botões, um carrito (para quando tirar a carta)... e por agora acho que é tudo!!lol
Pouquinho, né?!?;D
Beijocas kida!:D*
O Pai Natal já sabe que não sou de pedir muito...apenas peço continuar a protejer meu filho, dar saude meu marido, pare Eu continuar a ser Feliz e, para os que me rodeiam terem aquilo quanto desejam!!!
Acreditas que ainda não pedi nada?! :D Mas paz de espírito e sorte para o que aí vem dava muito jeito ;))
Pedi para encontrar a Liz! ***
Este ano pedi ao Pai Natal felicidade, amor e saúde está claro! E uma dose extra de paciência para com os meus filhos... que ultimamente andam umas "pulgas eléctricas"! :)
Se ele quiser oferecer uma Sizzix fazia-me a felicidade!
a new sewing machine!! but i thing this year is very dificult ($$$) so, i think just fabrics!!! gracias!!
hm... ainda não pensei nisso! pode ser umas férias bem passadas com o meu filho e marido, talvez na Lapónia.. coisa pouca :)
Pedi sabedoria para aproveitar a vida da melhor forma :)
Muita saúde para todos Paz,Amor e Alegria.
Mas se o Pai Natal me quiser trazer um carro novo eu não devolvo. Faz-me tanta falta o meu está nas "lonas".
A subscription of Donna Hay magazine :-)
Honestamente, eu peço sempre paz e amor para todas as pessoas e animais do mundo, mas este ano eu só pedia uns dias de descanso!! :(
Eu desejo todos os dias que o Mundo seja feliz... Por isso pedi ao Pai Natal umas asas de Libelinha, hehehe!...
Beijinhos ;P
That's a lovely giveaway, Ana!
My wish for Christmas this year is... a radio with an alarm... :))) And I already found out that I'll be getting one too! I've been using my phone to wake me up but I don't like that at all...
Have a Happy December!
Este ano pedi ao Pai Natal um Natal sem choro, o meu pai morreu em Agosto, e este vai ser o primeiro Natal sem ele, e vai ser muito dificil, por isso só quero um Natal sem choro.
By the way, love your blog, é lindo.
Your book is so lovely! This Christmas I have asked Santa to bring me ceramics supplies, (or money to buy supplies) oh and books, lots of books :)
beautiful! please enter me in the draw
o que pedi ao Pai Natal????
que me dê algumas directrizes....linhas que eu possa seguir :( saídas?? enfim que me ilumine :))))
agora mais descontraidamente......
Adoro o bloco! e gosto muito da ideia de se poder substituir as folhas quando estiverem gastas!
este ano, para mim peço acima de tudo saúde!
aiiii é suposto ser segredo mas tenho tanta vontade de participar neste maravilhoso giveaway... estou aqui a roer-me se devo ou não dizer... oh pronto... já que insistem...
pedi um bebé! (nunca pedi uma prenda com tanta tanta tanta vontade de a receber!!! por isso, torçam por nós)
schiiuuu não contema ninguém!
bom Natal!
I've asked for a hula hoop! I never thought I could hula, but then I tried with a proper weighted hoop and now I'm hooked.
The fabric covered notebook looks delicious!!!
I've asked Santa for one of the press ironing board hahaha
Eu também quero participar para ganhar o bloco de notas lindo! :-)
Todos os anos eu, o marido e a minha irmã fazemos a nossa lista ao Pai Natal, para a minha Mãe (informadora oficial da família) dar ideias a todos! Posso dizer que a minha lista foi a mais modesta de todas, contento-me com coisas imples e acho sempre que não preciso de muitas coisas. Mas livros nunca faltam todos os anos na lista!
E Paz e Saúde pedimos directamente à estrelinha do Natal!
Feliz Natal para todos!
I have asked Santa to bring an ipod!
Enjoyed the visit to your blog.
I have asked some books. Thanks for the giveaway!
a white christmas
Este ano pedi aos meus Pais-Natal que me dessem "coisinhas" feitas pelas minhas amigas crafters!!!
Very cute. I've asked for a light box with all the necessary supplies. I need some help with my picture taking, LOL
All I want for X'mas is MORE fabrics :)
:) muitos sorrisos e razões para sorrir :))
I've asked for a photo printer so I can get my photos off the computer and into an album!
Eu ainda não pedi nada, tava indecisa mas depois de ver este bloco, lembrei-me :) e se eu pedisse....Um Bloco igual a este!!:)....TOU a Brincar :) Peço sempre o mesmo, saúde,paz, FElicidade e ....amigos muitos amigos!!!!
Sorry, this has to be in English. :) I just want time with my family this year. Budgets are tight and my house is overflowing with "stuff". :)
i asked santa for the new alice munro book, beeswax candles, and a pair of warm woolen socks.
Eu pedi ao Pai Natal uns sapatinhos novos da "FLY" ;D
a plane ticket to go to the temple with my sister for her first time before she leaves for a LDS mission. I miss my family terribly!
Beautiful. I just want some time to make all the quilts I want/need to make.
Até agora só tinha pedido as coisas de sempre, saúde, amor, paz, e chocolates, mas agora que tenho a possibilidade de ganhar um bloquinho tão lindo, vou pedir-lhe uma ajudinha no sorteio :)). Beijinhos
I asked Santa for a IPhone. I love the covered journal.
I hope Santa brings me the book "Material Obsession II."
I asked Santa for a dress form, but gave him an easy out with a few smaller things I could use around the sewing room.
You made this? It's really great, love the colors.
I have asked Santa for some new clothes. I am getting tired of my current wardrobe.
Your blog looks fun, think I will stay a while and peek around. I would just love that notebook for "all my ideas"
Beautiful! Thanks :)
A serger, but I know that's not about to happen:( But I do have a feeling I'll be getting a copy of Handmade Nation on DVD.
For Christmas this year, I would like a new computer!
Thanks for the giveaway -- the notebook is gorgeous!
For Christmas this year I would love a vacation - to anywhere.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the notebook!
This year I am only asking for health and healing for my three month old niece who was just diagnosed yesterday with cancer.
I have asked santa for some quite time. That would be my most treasured gift.
Happy Holidays!
I really want a digital camera! I need to capture all the precious moments I have with my 2 little ones.
I love the notebook...very cute and unique.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Pedi mais filhos!!
I love the fabric on the notebook, and i've asked santa for a large purse for christmas.
You have a lovely blog!!! Glad I found you...
I am asking for a new camera!!! : )
I asked for an iron--and I know he's bringing it! It's nice being santa! Thnkas for the chance to win!
I asked santa for a dremel tool :)
For Christmas this year, I would like a new laptop! Mine is broken =...( So I have to borrow one each time I want to read blogs.
Thanks for the giveaway.
The notebook is cute! =)
Asked for better health so I can travel overseas to visit my grandsons and visit my brother, who is quite ill
thanks for the chance at the giveaway
I hope that Santa brings me something warm and snuggly. I realize that that is open for interpretation, but I love surprizes!
I;ve asked Santa for a new camera. I hope I've been good!
Especialmente vontade de viver, de sorrir, de amar... coisas simples, mas muito importantes, para quem há muito se encontra num estado de depressão que teima em não passar.
E claro, dinheiro que faz sempre falta :)
One thing I've asked Santa for this Christmas is a pomegranate. Yes, I could just buy one, but it would be more fun to have one show up in my stocking.
I'm asking Santa for craft supplies and books.
Beautiful blog- now following:)
I asked Santa for a Cricut and I am crossing my fingers that he's putting it under the tree!
Love the notebook and fabric!
I'm so happy to have discovered your blog. Your creations are gorgeous! I have a list of seven different crafty book titles and that's all I'm asking Santa for this year.
lots and lots of fabric!
i'm asking for a home letterpress. hope it's in santa's budget! happy giveaway day! here's my giveaway
craft supplies, especially felt. hope i'll be lucky.
btw it's lovely cover and notebook. lov e notebooks and pens
I'm asking for a few hours to sew without my toddler helping me!
A job for my hubby and good health for the family... it's a lot to ask for, I know, but 'tis the season to believe in miracles!
What an adorable giveaway! Thanks!
I am asking Santa for a weekend get-a-way with my husband. We really need it!
I've asked Santa for some beautiful wool to knit with! Thanks for running this lovely giveaway.
I have asked for a nice simple new year filled with love and hopefully another baby!
Santa's getting me new boots.
Such a beautiful notebook.
I've asked santa for some new winter boots as I can feel the rain coming through my old ones!
That is so pretty!
For cmas I have asked Santa for a gift certificate to my favorite quilt shop.
That is so pretty!
For cmas I have asked Santa for a gift certificate to my favorite quilt shop.
I love your creations! I'm asking Santa for a new food processor.
I like what you make.
On top of my wish list are a book and a calendar.
So cute! This year I'm hoping Santa brings me Simplicity's Bias Tape Maker!
I asked for a Matryoshka doll
um cão!
Love that book.
From Santa I want a camera upgrade!
Books are on the top of my list!
This is beautiful!
I've got Vera Bradley bags on the top of my Christmas wish list :)
Este ano vou pedir ao pai natal um novo logo para a Gtrita =)
Este ano vou pedir ao pai natal um novo logo para a Gtrita =)
I asked Santa for a trip to Hawaii
weee que bom!:DD
esse caderno é um delirio de bonito :)
o meu pai ou mãe natal que me traga um pijaminha quentinho que eu ando mesmo a precisar, ehehehe, e não me chateio em nada se receber meias e cuecas, O clássico. :)
Hmm! This year I have asked Santa for a good Chai tea blend. I have been searching for a blend I like for a while now!
I have asked Santa for some new fabric..
You make beautiful stuff! I asked Santa for Lost Season 5 this year.
lots of beautiful fabric.Beautiful book!
I've asked for fabric! :)
i'm asking for fabric (of course) and a walking foot so i can finish all the quilt tops in my wip pile! :)
Can I ask him for time? I seem to be running short lately. Otherwise, sneakers.
Parabéns, gosto muitos dos teus trabalhos!
Este ano tenho estado a pedir aos "Pais Natais", estantes, mesas e cadeiras , para compor o escritório cá de casa...
Like the notebook.
I asked Santa for a laptop computer (he says it is coming) and an umbrella swift for my weaving studio. Oh and an electric drill - it is less expensive alternative to a manual or electric bobbin winder. (i'm tired of sharing Santa's drill!)
I want time to craft! Certificates for babysitting so I can craft uninterpreted would be a dream!!
I didn't ask Pai Natal anything... I "just" wish we (my family and friends) will keep healthy and happy...
You have wonderful items! Thank you for the giveaway. I already have my Christmas present- a new sewing machine! Thanks! alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net
I would like Santa to bring me a pretty, shiny silver ring.
hmm aquilo que queria mesmo, para além de saúde para a minha familia e amigos, era tempo. tempo para estar com as pessoas que me fazem feliz. é dificil estar a 300km da familia, amigos, namorado, de todas as pessoas que são importantes, por isso a melhor prenda já a vou ter; passar o Natal com eles :)
Mas se o Pai Natal estiver generoso posso sempre lhe enviar uma listinha de livros e tecidos lindos e inspiradores :)
Um óptimo Dezembro e feliz Natal para todas :)***
i'm asking for a digital radio for my sewing studio!
thanks for the great giveaway
gill x
I'm asking for a nice new pie plate.
Ainda não fiz pedidos... mas tenho uma wish list na Amazon que cresce todos os dias :)
O bloco de notas é muito giro, adorava ganhar!
paula_lemos at vodafone dot pt
cute! i've asked santa for a fondue pot. :)
I've asked for a few crafty bits and pieces but top of the list is time to use them;-)
I've asked Santa for a new office chair!
I have asked Santa for crafty goodness. :)
I have asked Santa for the possibility to print on fabric at my SILs printshop.
This year I've actually asked Santa for a sewing machine... :-)
I'd like to go home to Milwaukee for christmas, but that's not going to happen. Maybe i'll win a notebook instead!
More time to sew :)
I have asked Santa for a new knitting bag. (I don't really need it though) I am so blessed I feel guilty asking Santa for anything.
I asked Santa for the fourth season of Supernatural. Santa said okay :)
I really hope Santa brings me some hot boots! Maybe even handmade?
You can contact me at
Thanks for your generosity
this is year i ask more time for me.... wonderful giveaway!!!
I am asking Santa to give me more time to do the things I want.
Nice giveaway!!
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
technically I am not asking Santa, or anyone else, for gifts this year but I would love 'more time' for christmas. More time to sew, more time to sleep and more time to spend with my loved ones.
thanks for sharing
Lovely giveaway! This year I want Santa to bring me an iPod touch.
Pretty notebook! I've asked for a teakettle.
i'm asking for sewing books, so i can get better at making things for my daughter! thanks for the giveaway, your notebook is lovely.
I would like a little dog for Christmas.
I've asked Santa for some books to read. I'm such a bookworm!
I am asking Santa for a stress free holiday. I doubt I'll get it, but it never hurts to ask!! Love this journal!
i ask to santa a nice set of crayons!!!.. and you!?
PS i love your creations...!
I have asked for a GPS!! Lovely notebook :)
Great notebook cover.
I have asked Santa for some inspiration to make softies... looks like I came to the right place
Thanks for the giveaway! I've just asked for some new clothes and a few books. happy holidays!
I've asked Santa for a serger!! Hope he thinks I was good this year :)
mc.crafty.bunny at gmail dot com
i want santa to bring my husband the new job that he applied for
I would love a new camera to take pictures of the little girls clothing that I make. My current camera just doesn't do it justice!
Anything owl realted. I have fallen in love with the hootie hoots!
Thank you for your lovely notebook cover!
I need a new book, my husband has promised me one, my favourite author Matthew Rielly, a fellow Aussie has 2 new ones that I haven't got.
What pretty fabric! This year I've asked that our troops be reunited w/their families.
A bedroom makeover!
Wonderul! Happy holidays!
oh really sweet notebook!
& i've asked santa for a little owl tapemeasure i saw on etsy a bit ago. i'm keeping my fingers crossed :)
have a wonderful week!
This year i asked for some slippers!
What a beautiful notebook! I'm asking Santa for a Diana mini camera. I love that you can get 72 pictures from a roll of film. Merry Christmas!
wow, really really love this one! i haven't decided about santa yet this year - i have some books and music on my list but what i'd really like is to travel somewhere.
This year I'm so grateful for happy, healthy family! I've asked for a new bathrobe. Mine is getting a bit shabby and I like to be toasty warm out of the shower.
I love the notebook. I'm hoping to make something like that this year as gifts for special little girls in my family.
Hmm. This year I haven't thought much about what I want. Perhaps a summer sausage, and a book from a local bookstore, or something beautiful and handmade with love. :)
This Christmas we've decided to travel. Not now, but in the summer. I love it when my family is all together and that's what we are going to do. My kids are older now and it's not often that we can be in the same place at the same time. I'm so excited. Thanks Santa in advance! Your work is simply stunning. I love it.
I asked Santa for a clean garage... :)
Oh so cute! I've asked Santa for a stand mixer!
A holiday by the seaside! Love this notebook - love, love, love!
My Christmas wish -- a new super zippy food processor! Love your notebook.
Santa knows I would love to have a new serger. ;0)
Pró Natal o meu presente, eu quero que seja...
1 emprego que me satisfaça!
1 emprego que me satisfaça!
La la la la laaaaaa
Pedia muita coisa ao Pai Natal, tanta que não dá para por aqui...por isso peço apenas ao menino Jesus: saúde para toda a minha família e paz de espirito pra mim...
I love your stuff!!! What I want Santa to bring me is a brand new spanking cruiser bike and a wallet!
snow. peace. jobs for the unemployed. i know i am asking a lot. we will see.
Afinal, tenho um pedido para o Pai Natal, (agora já estou mais optimista): Pai Natal é simples pode ser o bloco bu&bau, pode??
fuzzy slippers!
i wish for this bike and for my twelve year olds to be babies again for just one day. happy christmas!
I asked Santa for the entire Hope Valley line by Denyse Schmidt! Thanks for a chance at your notebook, its lovely!
I'm asking Santa for some new furniture. I don't think he can fit that in his sleigh, though.
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I am also doing a giveaway. I have two blogs, and
My 9 year old daughter is having a giveaway on her sewing blog as well,
Hope you'll stop by and have a look around and enter our giveaways.
Have a blessed day.
I've asked for fabric!
Great notebook! I asked Santa for some exercise equipment!
I love this giveaway. Beautiful pattern on the cover. I asked Santa for some more drop spindles!
I've asked Santa for some slippers!
Thanks for the giveaway!
If I should happen to win, please email me - elizabethdaming(AT)yahoo(DOT)com
I asked Santa for a Mid Arm Quilting machine, I can dream can't I. LOL
I m asked santa for canon digital camera..
thanks for giveway!
Wonderful giveaway--such a cute notebook! I asked Santa for a new camera. We'll see if he comes through!
I think that I will be asking for a new cell phone. Now I just need to decide which one.
Sew generous-- thanks for including my entry in the giveaway! I'm asking for a morning to sleep in this year!, I haven't had a sleep in in months!
this is gorgeous...thanks for the chance to win.
Só hoje conheci este blog e as coisas lindas que tem, simplesmente maravilhosas, devo-te parabenizar por essas maos de fada e pela originalidade das peças.
Já agora tb vou participar no desfio, o que quero pedir ao pai Natal? Penso que nao seja muito original no meu pedido mas peço muita saude e felicidade para os meus filhotes e tb para mim e para o meu marido para podermos acompanha-los nesta vida.
I've asked Santa for some new fat quarters for my fabric stash :)
I've asked "santa" for a spinning wheel so I can finally learn to spin to yarn!
I've asked Santa for a new rotary cutting mat - mine is nearly shredded from use.
That is amazing! I've asked for quilting supplies this year - hopefully I'll get some so I can put them to good use!
omigod it's so beautiful! i love the other things on your blog too! yum yum!
This is so beautiful!!! Lovely giveaway item! :) I want it! :))))
i would love some tools....scroll saw, dremel tool, and wood burning tools.
Love this!
I asked Santa for money towards a flight to London to visit my sister!
I have asked Santa for a printer. Thank you for the chance to win! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez
I asked for clothes, clothes, and knee high boots.
Eu pedi o tão desejado e aguardado emprego que teima em não aparecer e juizinho para algumas pessoas que me rodeiam.
I would love a piano! Oh! That would be awesome!
I would really really like to get a book: Carefree clothes for girls.
hugs from Slovenia
I asked him for some cute dresses!
Olá querida Ana ao "Pai Natal" peço:
saúde, paz e amor...e bons amigos!
Grandes beijinhos ;)
An I-Pod touch...we will see!!!
I asked for a gym bag, new workout pants, and a new purse. I know I got the gym bag and I found myself a new purse. Not very ooh la la, I know. What I should have asked for were some Uggs boots, but I knew some presents had already been bought so I didn't want to ask for another big ticket item.
This year I asked Santa for a new Pug Puppy and he has already delivered!
cool book! I asked for a sewing machine :)
The book is so lovely. I am asking for snow for Christmas but since I live on the east coast of the states the chance of that happening is almost zero. A girl can hope though right!
Your items are all gorgeous! Good work! I do love this fabric covered notebook. Thank you for the opportunity! For Christmas I have asked for a handmade wooden cabinet (made by my dad!) ;-)
Your items are all gorgeous! Good work! I do love this fabric covered notebook. Thank you for the opportunity! For Christmas I have asked for a handmade wooden cabinet (made by my dad!) ;-)
I have asked Santa for an ipod touch for my husband and a nintendo ds for my daughter. for myself, I just want a nice peaceful day to relax.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Thank you for a great giveaway!
How great! This xmas I asked santa for a cookbook called Apples for Jam... and a couple new towels.
I asked santa for a martha stewart cookie cookbook and yes new towels too!
Thank you! Happy holidays!
I am asking Santa this year for us to have a great 2010 as 2009 was horrible for us.
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